Saturday, January 25th: 1:00pm
“The Wreck of the CH&D: A Pioneering Railroad Undone by Greed & Fraud
Join local railroad enthusiast and author Jim Krause as he explains the dramatic rise and equally dramatic fall of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. The CH&D was a prime factor in the growth of western Ohio’s manufacturing centers and population growth. Originally built by men of vision, the railroad became the pawn of robber barons and Wall Street bankers. Ultimately, a revolving door of rapacious owners and management would destroy the railroad from within. Jim will be signing his new book “The Wreck of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway: A Pioneering Railroad Undone by Greed and Fraud.
Reservations are required-and limited to 100-please call BCHS at 513-896-9930 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve your seats!